Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Tony Harkson is the Mayor of the great city of Riga. The city is filled with beautiful old architecture, most of which was built after many years of war. Majority of the buildings have become heritage listed and cannot be knocked down. Tony, however, likes a much more modern style for his city and his goal as Mayor is to take the city into the future, rebuilding from the ground up and creating a new and dynamic appearance for Riga.

Tony has a darker side to his life. He lives a life full of corruption and fraud and unbeknownst to the public runs his shady deals directly from his office. His double existence has kept him from having a private life and he has become very much a loner, almost scared of getting too close to anybody. Tony has many dealings with the underworld, leading to an increase in criminal behaviour in his city. He has close links to these criminal organisations and in search of his goal, arranges to have many of the old buildings destroyed to make way for his future plans for the city. To further his plans, Tony employs some of the world’s most renowned architects who are known for their modern and outstanding designs.

Tony discovers that even with all his power and influence as Mayor and Criminal Mastermind, sacrifices must still be made and many people are killed in order to make way for his new designs. The public cry out to their Mayor to stop this madness and bring the criminals responsible for the deaths to justice, unaware that the man they believe will establish peace in their city is the one creating chaos. Tony is worried that the public might find out about his connections to the underworld and becomes paranoid about everyone around him, soon suspecting the staff from his office will uncover his secret life and thus organises for them to ‘disappear’. One by one they are replaced with known criminal figures and the public start to question the integrity of their ‘great’ Mayor. When he is grilled about this he cries ignorance and blames the ‘criminals’ for his rapidly disappearing staff. Eventually the entire council is made up of members of the underworld.

Criminal behaviour begins to dramatically increase in the city and people are running scared not knowing who they can turn to. Law enforcement has become corrupt often providing protection for the criminals instead of protecting the people that really need it. Tony soon finds himself helpless and under command of the underworld figures, with his ‘Mayoral’ position nothing but a farce. ‘Great Mayor’ Tony soon realises his dream of a modern and exciting Riga is now crushed, with the city nearing closer and closer to ruin.

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